Special Notice Concerning Customer
Proprietary Network Information

In addition to the provisions of the Privacy Notice, Federal law protects your privacy rights as a customer of SVECONNECT’s phone Services. These rights are in addition to the existing safeguards that SVECONNECT already has in place to protect your privacy rights. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires SVECONNECT to notify you of your right to restrict the use of your Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI).

What is CPNI? Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) is personally identifiable information that a telecommunications carrier collects when providing phone services to a customer. CPNI typically consists of telephone numbers you have called, call duration and timing of those calls, as well as call frequency and any call management services you use.

Permitted Use of CPNI by a Telephone Company Without Your Permission - SVECONNECT may use CPNI for certain purposes without your permission, including marketing. SVECONNECT may also use CPNI to respond to your inquiry regarding Services you currently use or related services offered. In addition, we may use CPNI in connection with repair and maintenance services, billing and collection, to protect our property and to prevent fraud.

Additional Information Regarding Your CPNI Rights - You have the right to deny or withdraw access to CPNI at any time or to instruct us to disclose CPNI to unaffiliated third parties by written request. Any approval or denial for the use of CPNI is valid until you affirmatively revoke or limit such approval or denial. A denial of your approval will not affect the Services to which you subscribe.

SVECONNECT reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time. We will notify you of any material changes via written, electronic, or other means permitted by law. If you find the changes unacceptable, you have the right to cancel the Services. If you continue to use the Services after receiving notice of such changes, we will consider that as your acceptance of the changes.

August 2018