Part of the SV Services family, SVEConnect was established in 2018 to serve broadband to portions of Marion County, the only area within SVEC’s service area that was not served by a telephone cooperative. SVEConnect offers fiber optic high-speed internet - including speeds up to 1 Gig, television and telephone services to members in Marion County.
Connections began in September 2018 and construction is expected to be complete in 2021. When construction is complete, all SVEC members in Marion County that are not served by a telephone cooperative, will be eligible for broadband service.
SVEConnect is powered by Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative. For more information on SVEConnect, go to www.sveconnect.com.

SV Propane
In August 2000, SVEC became a total energy partner for its members when SV Services, a new, wholly owned subsidiary of SVEC, purchased Blalock Propane and began operating as SV Propane. SV Propane offers tank lease, sales and propane delivery to nine counties in the SVEC service area, and also offers gas logs, heaters and appliances, as well as gas appliance repair and gas line installation. For more information on SV Propane services, call (931)592-5126.

Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association
The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association is a trade association established to serve the needs of Tennessee’s electric cooperatives. The association represents 23 individual power distributors including Tennessee’s 22 electric cooperatives and one municipal system.
The Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association exists to provide leadership, advocacy and support to unify and empower Tennessee’s consumer-owned electric co-ops. The association empowers cooperatives to improve everyday life for their consumer-owners through the reliable delivery of safe and affordable energy and the advancement of Tennessee’s rural and suburban communities.
For more information on the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association, go to www.tnelectric.org.

Tennessee Valley Authority
The Tennessee Valley Authority is a corporate agency of the United States that provides electricity for business customers and local power companies serving 10 million people in parts of seven southeastern states. TVA receives no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity. In addition to operating and investing its revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, navigation and land management for the Tennessee River system and assists local power companies and state and local governments with economic development and job creation. TVA has been a fundamental force in the prosperity of the Tennessee Valley since 1933. SVEC delivers TVA generated power to all members. For more information on TVA, go to www.tva.com.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
NRECA is the national service organization that represents America's electric cooperatives, including SVEC. NRECA represents more than 900 consumer-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives, public power districts, and public utility districts in the United States. Among many of its services, NRECA spearheads communications, advocacy and public relations initiatives, carries out federal government relations activities and champions the cooperative business model. For more information on NRECA, go to www.electric.coop.