Bright Ideas Form

This year's submissions period has closed. Please check back later this year for the next submission period or follow us on the
SVEC Facebook page at for updates.

Bright Ideas Form

    Date submitted *

    Teacher Name *

    Email Address *

    School Name *

    School Telephone

    School County

    School Address



    ZIP/Postal Code

    Project Name

    Amount Requested (projects should not exceed $2,500)

    Curriculum Area

    Number of participating students

    Are you willing to accept partial funding for your project?

    Project Summary

    How will the project address students' needs and provide ongoing benefits

    What are the goals of the project

    Describe the implementation plan and schedule of activities. Include a general timeline if possible

    Describe how the project is creative and innovative for your students

    How will you evaluate the success of your project

    Itemized project budget

    Please leave your questions and comments: