Looking for ways to reduce energy costs for your business?
Let us help you!

The Comprehensive Services Program (CSP) is a program offered by Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) in conjunction with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). CSP provides engineering and technical assistance to commercial and industrial members, with an existing Power Contract, to discover energy use concerns.
Available Services:
- Energy Audits: General survey of energy use in a facility and recommendations on energy management opportunities, process and facility improvements.
- Demand- Side Management: Monitoring and testing of electrical systems and recommendations related to managing peak demand, energy management opportunities, and process and facility improvements.
- HVAC: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning studies examine the sizing of HVAC equipment, offer heating and cooling system comparisons, investigate problems with existing systems and provide recommendations for improvement.
- Infrared Scans: Consists of infrared scans of electrical equipment such as transformers, breakers, bus and conductor connections for hot spots, as well as scans for facility heating and cooling loss.
- Ultrasonic Testing: Ultrasound technology can locate compressed air leaks caused by vibration, holes in hoses, loose joints and cracks.
- Lighting: Studies provide recommendations for the design of lighting systems in such places as sports fields, roadways, parking lots and commercial/industrial plants.
- Metering: Temporary metering equipment is installed to gather data on facility electrical usage.
- Power Factor: Metering and recommendations to correct for low power factor.
- Grounding/ Lightning: Grounding study, grounding testing and lightning protection recommendations.
- Power Quality: Studies address voltage problems originating inside or outside the facility that adversely affect the end user.
- Water Heating: Studies explore heat pump water heater applications, standard energy-efficient water heaters and cost comparison of electric versus fossil-fuel system.
- Wiring and Electrical Distribution Equipment: Studies analyze the facility’s distribution system including the sizing of wiring and equipment and provide recommendations for system improvement.
Comprehensive Services Interest Form
If you are interested in having an energy audit by a certified energy inspector to find out how to make your business more energy efficient, send in this quick form and we will be in touch with you soon!