Role Model Role Call

Roll Model Roll Call Nominations

We believe that every community is filled with extraordinary people who inspire those around them and make a positive difference in the lives of others. These role models can be community leaders, business owners, nonprofit organizations, healthcare workers, teachers, volunteers, or any community member who has touched the lives of others with their kindness, compassion, and dedication.

Our local area is filled with extraordinary people who are dedicated to the communities we serve, and SVEC would like to have the opportunity to shine a light on them. We are delighted to use this platform to connect our community with those who are worthy of recognition and who we can all strive to be more like. SVEC will take into consideration each submission and choose a different person monthly to be featured in our “Role Model Roll Call” series.


  1. Due date for nominations: by the 10th of each month through October 2024.
  2. One nominee will be recognized each month in the SVEC section of The Tennessee Magazine from February – December 2024, except September. Each will receive a $100 cash reward.
  3. All nominators and nominees must be members of the Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative, must be at least 18 years of age, and a U.S. citizen or permanent legal residence.
  4. SVEC employees, board members, and their immediate families are not allowed to participate in the contest or win contest prizes.

Roll Model Roll Call Nominations 

    Role Model Nominee

    Name of nominee *

    Nominee's email *

    Nominee's Phone *

    Nominee's affiliated business, organization, or school: *

    Nominee's occupation and/or Volunteer Work: *

    The county where the nominee's work/ business/ school/ nonprofit is located? *

    Why this nominee should be recognized.

    Write a brief explanation detailing how this person has positively impacted your life or others’ lives and how they are making a difference in their community. *

    Your Information

    Your Name *

    Your email *

    Your contact number *

    SVEC account number *